Purpose Indicators
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions below, as the path to finding your purpose in life can be different for everyone. Having a great foundation of questions is how you identify your purpose. It helps trigger your thinking to uncover hidden things you've never thought of so, let's start there.
Here is what I like to call "Purpose Indicators" questions.
1. Ask yourself what are you passionate about. Passion is found in purpose. What activities make you lose track of time because you enjoy them so much? What gets you excited and makes you feel alive? Try to focus on the things that make you happy and give you a sense of fulfillment, as these are purpose indicators of what your purpose might be.
2. Consider your talents and skills. What comes naturally and easily for you? What have people told you that you're good at?
3. Reflect on your life experiences thus far. Have there been moments or situations where you felt like everything clicked and felt like it was exactly where you were supposed to be? What did those moments or experiences have in common? Pay attention to the patterns in your life, as they could be another clue to what your purpose is."
Remember, it may take some time to figure out your purpose in life. But don't give up! Keep exploring and reflecting on what brings you joy and fulfillment until you find the answer that feels right for you.
We will be exploring more questions in Module 4 with the 10 simple quick questions to dive deeper into your treasure trove of thoughts.
As you go through the questions keep in mind: the key is to stay open-minded and keep exploring your responses until you find the answer that resonates with your inner self.
Be brave enough to pursue what makes your heart sing and never give up. Take time to listen and trust your inner voice on finding your purpose in life. You can do it! I believe in you!!
"Life is too precious to be lived without purpose." - Unknown.